Instead I'll show you a few projects I've made in the last several months.
Socks (pattern and yarn details here):
A hat made with chunky Rowan wool and embellished with felt bird, crocheted leaves and some beads (nitty gritty details here):
Up close to see the beading better:
Cheerfully modeled by my little girl.
You may be asking, "What's a yarn bomb?"
Also known as yarn storming, guerrilla knitting, and knitting graffiti, yarn bombing is a type of street art which involves knitted or crocheted work embellishing the environment around you. It is not an act of vandalism. It is an attempt to encourage folks to see their environment in a different light and to add a little whimsy to our everyday, humdrum existence.
I had never participated in any form of yarn storming, but one of the Nerd Wars challenges for the month of March encouraged such nefarious activities.
First, to find a good spot.

Next, I armed myself with crochet hook and lots of colorful acrylic yarn and started hooking.
Then, it was time to practice my nefarious ninja skills.
When yarn storming on private property it is always a good idea to get permission first, but if you don't want to ruin the surprise, leaving a note explaining your art is an acceptable option.
Give a quick glance to admire your handiwork then quietly disappear into the shadows like any self-respecting ninja would do.
Find yourself grinning with glee every time you pass that way again and spot your colorful addition to the community.
(Yes, over 5 months later, it's STILL there!!!)
And that, my dear friends, brings you up to date with my crafting deeds through the month of March. Stay tuned for more to come!
Look, Rae! I blogged!