Maybe in the next week or two I will tell you about my laundry system...a life altering plan that I developed that has made doing laundry for nine folks manageable. But for today, I am sticking with something very small and simple.
I can not tell you how many solid t-shirts and turtlenecks I have **ruined** by splattering something greasy or oily on them in the kitchen. If you have spent any time in a kitchen, then you know how cooking oil, or any type of fat will leave a dark spot. Well, I have found that if I use Dawn dish detergent on the spot followed by scalding hot (preferably boiling) water, the oil stain usually comes out! In fact, you can just boil some water in a pot and then plunge the offending shirt into the water and let it soak a bit. (I recommend taking off the shirt first!)
Of course, wearing an apron is a good option, but some of us who are messy cooks need something more like full body armor!
**NOTE--"ruin" means that they become worthy of wearing around the house only. If worn out in public requires quick action when sighting someone who you don't want to think you are a total mess. The duck and hide technique, or the quick-pick-up-the-youngest-kid-to-hide-your-stained-shirt technique are options.)
For more WORKS FOR ME WEDNESDAY tips, go to Rocks in My Dryer here.
Now, if I could just figure out how to get her handy little banner up! Kim, please help! EDIT: Hey Kim! Thanks! I did it!
I just right-click to copy the image URL and then paste it in my blog as an image, using this code:
<center><img src="http://rocksinmydryer.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/wfmwheader_copy3_3.jpg"></center>
I DO want to hear your laundry system.
And I might have to try the Dawn Plus Scald. Does it work with lesser detergents? Because, lamely enough, i buy my detergent based on color and viscosity. Maybe I'll post about THAT next WFMW!!!
ooops, at least where I see it that URL didn't wrap. But if you copy from before center to the line below, just before "I do" you still get it all ....
Great tip! I love Dawn. I love all their yummy scents.
Great tips! Thank you!
Thanks Kim! It worked!
rocksinmydryer - just that name had me rolling on the floor!
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