Since I just love make-overs with before and after shots, I am going to share the good, the bad, and the ugly with you all.
I would like to clarify here that I am not a messy person. I hate messiness and chaos. I love, love, love to organize. However, there just does not seem to be enough time in the day to get it all done, and so in my hurry, I drop things at the nearest spot and run on to the next activity. Before I know it, the clutter has grown and spread like some sort of fungus.
Here is what I see every time I walk in my bedroom. There is a beautiful antique vanity carefully hidden under all that stuff.
Here is a pile of "give-away" clothes as well as my athletic shoes hiding behind my door.
My sneakers are probably there because here is what the floor of my closet looks like. (((sigh)))
So, I set my timer.
And then I clean and tidy like crazy. Here is what I accomplished in just 15 minutes!
I even managed to work in the area behind my door!
I can now smile when I walk in my room.
Next, I tackle the office. EEK!