Monday, September 15, 2008

101 Things in 1001 Days

Have you seen the 101 Things in 1001 Days meme? Of course you probably have. However, I just stumbled on it. I am thinking this is a great idea. You set tangible, definable, attainable goals with a specific time frame (1001 days), and start working on the list. It can be anything you want from losing 5 pounds to learning Chinese. So far, I have 69 things written down. I am trying to keep my list as realistic as possible. I mean, I would LOVE to get a Eurorail pass and backpack across Europe, but I know that is not going to happen in the next few years. Some of my goals are on-going, like "Floss daily," but I am trying to have as many as possible with more definable conclusions, like "Clean and organize my craft closet," so that I can feel like I am achieving goals and crossing things off my list.

Go take a look at Day Zero to learn more and to see other folks' lists. Maybe I will post mine when I finish it.

1 comment:

theatreknitter said...

it is pretty great, I have been pretty bad about keeping up with mine of late. I found that rather than the new years resolution that always seem unrealistc, this is over a length of time where you could really get something accomplished.


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