These were called my "Autumn Socks" because they were optimistically going to be finished in time for Thanksgiving.

So, May is a little late. Okay, stop laughing! I finished them in plenty of time for Thanksgiving...2010!
Actually, I don't think I will be wearing them for any Thanksgiving. As soon as I finished them today, my 16 year old daughter snatched them up. Her legs are longer than mine, so they don't quite reach the knees. However, her legs are also thinner than mine, so the pattern looks nicer on her...I guess I will let her keep them.
Here, little sister wants to get in on the photo action:

Free Pattern: Double Eyelet Rib Toe-up Socks by Wendy Johnson
(Pattern is not for knee-socks, that is my personal preference.)
Yarn: Ditto by Universal Yarns
Raveled here.
It is my goal this year to make a pair of socks for everyone in the family. One pair down, seven to go!
1 comment:
Ooooh so CUTE. I wish I could make these kinds of things. I like the caps and the bunny too. The bunny is too much! He's darling.
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