I have a few other projects on my needles, but right now, my main obsession seems to be the lowly dish cloth. So quick and colorful. The crocheted cloth above reminds me of a bright beach ball. You can get all the details here.
All the following dish cloths will be linked as well. If I do this correctly, the links should take you directly to my project pages on Ravelry. Even if you do not have a Ravelry account, you should be able to follow the links and view all the gory details: pattern used, yarn, hook, needles, etc. If there are problems or questions, please leave me a comment.
The Mosaic Dish Cloth is knit, and it takes considerably more time than the crocheted cloths. Purple and gold are the colors of our local university.
The next one I made is a pattern called Fire Blossom. Sorry the photo is a little faded looking. The red is more saturated than what shows here.
The Quick Dry Dish Cloth crochets up soooo fast! I made one on a Friday afternoon and then promptly gave it away to a friend who had us over for dinner that night. Then I crocheted another late that evening before retiring.
And here is my latest. I used yellow and white and call it my Daisy Dish Cloth.
These make great gifts! However, I have had another thought rolling around in my mind: Do you think I could sell them? Bear in mind that all the above finished cloths are just prototypes and have not been washed or blocked. In other words, they were new patterns to me and not as "polished" looking as they might be. What I would like to do if I sold them is to give all the proceeds to various missions projects. I personally know several people who are long-term missionaries as well as several young folk who are doing short-term mission work this summer. In addition to that, our AWANA group supports some AWANA programs in Nepal.
Whaddaya' think? And what do you think would be a fair price for hand-made cloths?
And now, a special non-dish cloth bonus feature!
For Saint Patrick's Day, I used green thread and crocheted a shamrock and a 4-leaf clover to wear as pins. By the way, I really am of Irish descent!
And, a few days ago, my daughter asked me to make a flower to go on her hat...the hat that SHE crocheted herself! (((proud mommy))) So, I whipped up this flower.
I think the button she picked out of my button box was a nice added touch.
I would definitely buy some from you, i'm in need of pretty dishcloths, and ways to support missionaries. :) Let me know my choices and I'll put in an order. If I can make a request, I am partial to sunflowers. :)
Great collection of dishcloth and terrific ideas for fundraiser cause. If you are making them for project and depending on how fast can you make one, in my personal experience it's not a high return. I packed some very intricate patterned, well-made cloth with a bar of handmade soap for $3 each for Campfire last year and most came home unsold! They made wonderful gifts :D Like you, one can never have too many clothes around the house LOL
Ack! Sarah! ONLY $3! I can't believe your cloths and handmade soap did not sell!! Most bars of handmade soap alone cost more than $3. Plain old terry cloth wash cloths go for $5 and more at a department store when they are not on sale.
I was thinking at least $5 each; and my hubby and a friend both said that was too low considering time and materials.
Hmmmm...I guess I could try, and if they don't sell, I would have plenty of nice gifts on hand.
Shannon, I would happily take orders and make some cloths especially for you!
I'm happy to be a part of the dishcloth dame's following! I love the daisy pattern and would love to get that from you! I'm just about done with one for my Mom for Mother's day, I know a bit late, but plan on giving it to her when they come for Memorial Day.
I agree, $5 seems like a great price for a handmade dishcloth, I wouldn't go any lower than that.
At least $5 for a dishcloth, especially since it's for missions, seems like a great deal for a handmade item. I'm happy to know the Dame of Dish Cloths and enjoy her company on a regular basis. Would she be willing to share her pattern for the daisy dishcloth, as those are my favorite flowers?
Beautiful dishcloths. I too love to switch to crocheted dishcloths and mug cozy's and coasters when I want to actually complete something in a day. Thanks for sharing these!
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