There is a big fabric sale going on over at Fresh Squeezed Fabrics.


Can you resist such cuteness???

There is LOTS to choose from.
Oh, and Fresh Squeezed Fabric is owned and operated by Randi, the blog author of "i have to say..." as well as the brains (and much of the brawn) behind "Sewing Seeds" and the Quilt Along which are both linked in my right hand sidebar. She is a lovely, christian, mom...the kind of person whose business I can whole heartedly recommend.
1 comment:
Oh mine. You're BAD. These are just to-die for. How can anyone resist such temptation!!!! I am holding myself back from pressing the button...NO, I mustn't. I mustn't. I mustn't. OOOOPS...the cursor landed there by itself!
Happy Easter!
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