It's just a tiny little den, only about 11 ft. x 11 ft., but it has great light, especially in the afternoon. I want to come up with a clever name for my room, but for now I'm calling it "The Stitchery."
Come on in! Be sure to take a moment and admire my son's photography hanging on the wall. If you care to sit, there's a comfy rosewood rocker. It belonged to my grandmother and I'm rather fond of it.
Or perhaps you'd like a little tour first?
Except the paint on the walls and a few $3 baskets I found on clearance after Christmas, there is nothing new in my craft room,. Rather, it has been cobbled together with bits and pieces gathered from other rooms in my house (and our attic!)
You'll find that I've filled my room with an odd assortment of things that I love. Standing beside the desk there is an old wooden valet that belonged to my dad, perfect for holding my quilt (or other sewing projects) in progress. For as long as I can remember, this valet stood in my parent's room by Dad's dresser. He would drop his change in the tray, drape his clothes over the top and set his shoes at the bottom. I think he would be happy to know his valet is still cared for and appreciated.
It's great having windows over my desk...a perfect place to sit and watch the snow fall last week.
Before it became The Stitchery, this room held much of our library with 4 bookcases FULL of books from floor to ceiling, and my crafting supplies were kept in a small bedroom; but whenever college boys came home, I was kicked out of my craft room!
Last month, before the Christmas break madness ensued, I determined to make the craft room the library/den and the library/den my craft room. As if switching rooms wasn't chaotic enough, I decided to go ahead and paint too. Below is a "before" picture where you can see the former color of this room. You can also see the back door situated on the west wall. It is immediately to the right of the windows and my desk.
It was out with the gold and in with the blue!
As you can see above, painting paneled walls takes a lot of extra brush work.
The new color is Benjamin Moore's Buxton Blue which seems to be quite popular lately. I'm not one to follow trends and at first I seriously resisted using this color. However, every time I considered paint colors, the Buxton Blue just made me happy. So I decided in spite of what others were doing to follow my heart and use what I like...even if it IS in every other home in America!
Now, when I sit at my desk and look to my right, this is what I see:
The pictures on the wall are drawings my youngest daughter made with oil pastels when she was about 6 years old. I've kept them because their whimsy makes me smile every time I look at them. I'm so glad to finally have a place to hang them where I can see them every day!
Decorating this room can be a challenge. It is FULL of doors! Six, to be exact. There is the door to the dining room, a closet door, a bathroom door, two bedroom doors and our back door which goes outside! As you can imagine, there is a decent amount of traffic through this room, so I had to arrange things with care. Blocked walkways are not allowed.
There are two tall shelves to hold much of my sewing and knitting stash.
The sun was really strong when I snapped these photos. Here's another view with slightly less glare.
The east wall opposite my desk is quite small (remember that closet door and bathroom door?) but it's a perfect spot for my vintage Singer Featherweight sewing machine which was a gift from my aunt. With a little work (new belts and power cord) and a tune-up, it is now in working order. It is both beautiful and useful.
Above the Featherweight are more things I love...vintage jars full of my mother's button collection, a self-portrait by one of my sons, some old toys that belonged to me and my hubby. The blue velveteen rabbit is filled with sawdust and missing an ear. I loved it so much when I was a wee one! The corduroy teddy bear sitting below was sewn by my grandmother. She also made the doll in red. Sewn with love and care, her sweet face is hand-embroidered. Candlewicking adorns her pinafore and hand-tatted lace made by my great aunt trims her pinafore and bloomers.
There is another small wall space located in the tiny hall area between the two bedrooms. This shelf holds my scrapbooking supplies as well as other are supplies. On top is a borrowed drum carder and the red cardinal I cross-stitched for my mother when I was a girl. Red is my favorite color and I have tried to add little pops of it all around the room.
Below, you can see more red accents on this shelf. Notice the cute white baskets lined with red striped fabric? I was thrilled to find them on clearance after Christmas. They are perfect year-round for my room!
As I said before, this room is quite small, and you've probably noticed that the ceilings are rather low. I am trying very hard to keep it tidy and uncluttered...clutter makes me feel unsettled. Sadly, there was no room for my dress form. But if you look carefully in the upper left hand of the next photo, you can see her standing watch in the corner of the room that is now our library. She's close at hand if I need her.
My beading supplies and my needlepoint wools and canvases also reside in the library to keep my dress form company. When sewing I set up the ironing board in that room as well. It is nearby for pressing seams, but out of the walkway.
Well friend, I guess that wraps up the tour. Do sit down and make yourself comfy. Feel free to get started on your needlework while I go put on the kettle for a pot of tea, or would you prefer coffee?
I like it. I think that's neat that you're organized enough to make a stitchery / craft room! And you have it decorated very cute. I am lacking in a decorating gene. Maybe someday you can come visit and help me decorate :-)
How I heart a room just like this!! Oh, no, with all that craft junks I collect, a studio of say 2400 SF may do it...but then may not as that's the size of the house I live in now LOL
Thanks for the tour and I do love to sit and hang out with you over tea. Ahhh, darn, why aren't you my next door neighbor, again!
Love your Stitchery room! (And the blue walls are perfect.)
WOW! You make organization and efficiency look so pretty and cute!!
I'm in love with your room. Completely.
I parked near your house recently, in need to get to class. And then I had another thing directly after class. . .which I don't remember now, must not have been as lovely as your room.
Oh it's beautiful. I love it. I want to be in there with you.
I just love your craft room! So pretty and homey! I'm inspired to clean up my mess of a guest room/office/craft room.
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