I am working on changing the "look" of my blog. Please bear with me as I work on this. If anyone has feedback, it would be most appreciated. Oh, and if anyone knows how to get rid of the ugly brown tabs ("home" "about" "contact" "rss") in my header, I would love to know how! They are written into the html of my template and weird things happen every time I try to mess with them.
*Edit--Yay! After much trial and error, the aforementioned ugly brown tabs at the top now are gone.
I like the look of your new blog!
Thank you, Jules. As I said, it is still a work in progress. There are some blogs I visit where I am overwhelmed with the visual clutter and that detracts from the experience. I want my blog to be a little expression of me, but I also want it to be a pleasant place to visit. I am trying to work out that delicate balance.
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