Then there was Christmas which included several lovely gifts including a stainless steel travel mug for my coffee, other goodies, more $$ and gift cards to shop with. I went out and bought myself the most exquisite, killer cowboy boots in the whole universe. These are not your dusty, kick around boots (although I now want a pair of those too.) These are so purdy, they make me want to cry. And, the owner of the shop gave me a great deal!

And, as you see two posts down, I got a fabulous book for myself.

Well, the other day my neighbor brought by a late present. It was a nice cookbook, and I was so pleased. But, as I browsed it, I realized that there was a good number of recipes that just wouldn't be to my family's liking. I contemplated keeping it to provide occasional variety and inspiration, but she had so kindly put a gift receipt with it, so I trotted off to Barnes and Noble to see if there was anything I preferred. Baby, I hit the jackpot!

This first book (Knitting Rules by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee) I can not recommend too highly! If you are a knitter, especially if you are one who finds yarn and needles and anything else knitting-related addictive, then you will find a kindred spirit in this author. She writes in a conversational style and she is hilarious! She understands and sympathizes with my obsession. Also, she gives lot of good and useful information without talking "down" to you. Alshough this is not a book of patterns, she covers the basics in sock, scarf and shawl, sweater, and hat construction, giving you all the tools you need to make your own pattern! I read this book the way I read a novel. I did not want to put it down. That is how good it is. You can also visit her blog here: (Well, I TRIED to put a link, but I think my filter is blocking it! Our filter is pretty sensitive to any terms that might trigger "adult" content and you know how spicy those knitting blogs can get!! So, I will type it out so you can get the idea!) Her site is "www.yarn*h*a*r*l*o*" but remove the **** in the address.
And here is the other book I got: Spinning in the Old Way by Priscilla A. Gibson-Roberts. (What is it with these authors and their hyphenated names???)

I dream of spinning my own fiber. I regularly visit sites that sell spinning wheels and drool. But alas, I have neither the budget nor the space. Granted, if I had the budget I would find the space! This book is by a lady who not only spins using a simple high-whorl handspindle, but actually prefers this method. I have not really sunk my teeth into this book yet, but the print and drawings are a pleasure. It looks very warm and user-friendly. And best of all, hand spindles are affordable and don't take up much space! I am eager to get my own and give it a try!
So now you can see why I feel so spoiled! New clothes, new boots, new books...what else could a gal want????
Oh that all sounds wonderful!
Take a picture of the dress out in the sun (sun ... you have that where you live, right? I vaguely remember what it's like)
HEY! The Yarn H@rlot! That's whose pattern I *didn't* follow for the poncho! ~blush~
And I love the boots, they're very pretty and hip.
I'm glad you've been so spoiled, I can't think of a nicer mom for it to happen to. :)
The boots. To die for! You're going to have gorgeousest feet in those boots. Yee-haw!
And what is funny, is that I now know exactly what you mean about those spicy knitters' blogs. lol! Six months ago I'd have had no idea what you're talking about. The names they think up can be really bad!
Dreamy books.
My husband often has to force me to go shopping for clothes, I despise it so much.
Thanks for the comment on my blog. Your thoughts about being a yarn snob make a lot of sense. I now realize I'm not one.
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